Thursday, February 27, 2020

Making Use of Time . . .


One day I am going to write a practical guide to becoming a successful work from home artist in todays internet economy. In fact, I'm going to start right now.
Why not. I'm just sitting on my couch staring out the window thinking about where I want my life to go ... now instead of just thinking, I'm working on my blog, which is something I want to do daily ...
Moral of my story, I need to stop thinking so much and start doing what I keep thinking about wanting to do.
Focus on getting something done, even though there are a million other things that still need to be done.

So here I am ... making use of my time.
On the agenda for today is uploading more shirt designs with a focus on promoting more than just the shirts. I hope to add some more graphics to the blog for self promo reasons and then we'll see what else I can think of because right now my mind is shorting out.

i'll save here and come back to things ...

I used the time to start taking half decent pictures of my artcards. I have about 200 of them, so this is going to take a while, but at least I started doing it instead of thinking about it.
I even went and posted this one in an ART CARD facebook group. Small steps again but it was a good one.
I also uploaded a high res image to my color galleries at
It's of my 9 zombie cats v2

And  then I got distracted by real life and completely forgot to hit the publish button, finish my thought ... whatever. The whole daily thing still isn't daily and that's okay.

Sold a shirt I uploaded the other day, which adds fuel to the fire of desire to add more shirts to the store.
Here's the shirt that sold:

I'll be back later ...

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