Wednesday, January 23, 2013

ZODA! or zombie yoda

Zombie Yoda says "Eat your Brains I must"
I drew this up a while ago, and now its available as a print from my etsy store.

Thursday, January 17, 2013


This image was made in response to a PM someone sent me a few weeks ago as well as conversations
I've had recently with other artists that are scared to promote their art in fear of alienating fans/followers.

If you don't like the fact that we're promoting our art, or prints, or our services to make a buck to pay
the bills and feed our families, then uncircle us.

We draw and paint for the sheer love of it, but the banks still want their money.
So does the power company, water company, grocery store, gas station, etc etc etc.

That's off my chest, I feel better ... now go buy some zombies.

Monday, January 14, 2013

peeping zombie

 I've been playing around with tape and painting lately ... and this one Troy had a small hand in helping, so chances are likely it will go on his wall soon. 

So this was the first step ... taping the paper down.
Then I felt sort of stuck to even start ... so I threw a bit of paint on it
Then I started red lining the doodle, and filled in a bit of paint
 Then some black inks and more paint ... I should have taken a picture before removing the tape but I didn't
Here's the final result ... if you want a print let me know and I'll order some.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013