Life did its thing again ... ups and downs man, ups and down.
But anyways ... besides being a crazy 2 weeks or so art has been done and my studio is once again mine. Mostly. Now we're working together to insure I start treating this whole art career thing as an actual career instead of just a whimsical waste of time and talents. So far productivity has been increasing, word or mouth is beginning to spread again and I feel pretty damn good about the whole future of me and mine.
Below is one of the first images I drew once I got the studio set up ... its rather large and I'll probably keep working on it until its hangable. (is that a word?)

4 balls - there were actually about 20+ drawn, but these are some of the better ones

the big ball photoshopped up - i normally don't do the 'copyright' thingy but in this case i did. meh

the final logo and you can see it in action at
Very nice work, man. I like the top image so far. Heck, even if you left it as-is, it's pretty darn cool.
ReplyDeleteThe Deadball Club image is also great. Excellent work with the eyes and blending the normal baseball look with the zombie components. You're genuinely talented. Respect. Keep up the good work.
Thanks for sharing and I wish you the best in monetizing your mad skillz.
Thanks Patrick, appreciate the kindness. If you want to help me monetize things ... buy my stuff ;)
ReplyDeleteOr, if you could, offer up some input as to what you think people would be most interested in.
Again, thanks for the kind words. Comments like this help immensely.